Hi, Bruno.
On 7/3/07, Bruno Cornec <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Rogério Brito said on Tue, Jul 03, 2007 at 03:40:03AM -0300:
> Much to my surprise, the files that with names <number>.afio.bz2 were
> *not* compressed with bzip2. Instead, they were pure afio files with
> only some files inside the afio archive compressed.
True. THat's on purpose since the origin of the tool.
Not only that, but some of the files on the afio archives were
compressed, while others were not. I think that the overhead for
compressing all files (and not choosing which one should and which one
shouldn' t) would be negligible and would potentially make the backups
smaller (and faster, but I don't know how much of the time is spent
choosing which files are or which files aren't going to be
I guess that the criterium is that files smaller than a frame/page
aren't compressed, is that right?
> Since I have many files that in a given directory that share much of the
> same content, I think that reversing the order of the actions (that is,
> creating first the afio archive and then compressing it) would be really
> helpful for creating smaller ISO files (which is, for me, the deciding
> factor if I keep or not a package).
First this is an upstream problem, not a Debian one IMO.
Not to sound harsh here, but the maintainers are the interface between
the users and upstream. That's because we have wishlist bugs and the
ability to forward the bugs to upstream in Debian's BTS. Again, this
isn't meant to sound harsh.
So then speaking as the upstream project lead, I think what we have is
the most effective way to ensure that in case of media error, you'll be
able to retrieve your content anyway as most as possible.
I think that an option to do what I ask wouln't hurt. After all, I
take backups every single day in ISO images (since the other bug that
I filed for mondo to call cdrecord with the -dao option is
approximately 1 year and a half without action) and burn them on CD
and verify the MD5 sums with either readom (from the cdrkit package)
or with dvdisaster.
If we adopt your view, that won't be true anymore. So I don't think it's
a good idea.
For a tape backup, I think that that would be a good idea. But for a
medium like a CD or a DVD, I'm exactly sure... And those that don't
care about their backups optical media aren't really taking backups
What we could do is rename the files to make them not having the suffix.
But that should be an upstream enhancement request IMO.
At least, this would be a step on the right direction, since the way
it is, it is misleading.
> I am sure that other people would find this a great feature for mondo.
No I don't think so sorry ;-)
Yes, I do think that other people (CC: friend) would think that this
is a good feature. And people with texlive installed would appreciate
even more so, since the packages are huge.
Thank you for your reply, Rogerio Brito.