On Mon, 2007-07-09 at 11:34 +0200, Loïc Minier wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 16, 2007, Sam Morris wrote:
> >                                               Given that it is not
> > likely that QEMU's patches (which are more extensive in QEMU's CVS
> > trunk) are not likely to be merged upstream into bochs any time soon, I
> > think it's best if a separate bochsbios-qemu source package is
> > introduced, that will build the required BIOS file. Thoughts?
>  Sounds sane; are the QEMU patches distributed with QEMU or separately?
>  In the first case, I think it shouldn't need a new source package, int
>  eh second case perhaps it should, perhaps not.

Ah, I forgot about this bug! Anyway, I tried to do this myself but
couldn't even get bochsbios to build. Some of the patches didn't even
apply to the latest bochs CVS checkout, and no one upstream was able to
tell me how to check out the sources that were necessary to reproduce
the binary BIOS files that Qemu ships.

The result is that Qemu upstream is presumably violating the license of
bochs. But due to the lack of any activity on the part of upstream WRT
this bug (even documenting the situation in README.Debian would be
better than nothing) I lost motivation to actually do anything about it.
Which is a shame because it means that Debian users can't use one of
Qemu's best features, and so are more likely to fall back to the
non-free VMware, or even to switch to a non-broken distribution
altogether. :(


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