Hello Simon, 

It ended up that we couldn't update from kernel.org those days (just
because I said it was doing better :), so we moved to ftp.br.debian.org
for good and now things should be OK.

Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Paillard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: quarta-feira, 4 de julho de 2007 12:11
To: Emerson Gomes; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: Bug#423949: mirror submission for mirrors.uol.com.br

Hello Emerson,

On Wed, Jul 04, 2007 at 06:15:27AM -0300, Emerson Gomes wrote:
> > > > Would ftp.br.debian.org be a faster source mirror ?
> > > That's right, I'll run the next syncs from there.
> > Ok, could you do the switch soon, so that we can add directly the 
> > mirror with the "final mirror" ?
> Our connection to kernel.org seem to be a little more stable, so we're

> sticking to it.

Your mirror is not completely up to date :
- http://mirrors.uol.com.br/pub/debian/project/trace/ lists out of
  date trace files

- http://mirrors.uol.com.br/pub/debian/dists/unstable/ lists also
  outdated files

Please check your logs. Something may prevent the update to be

Best regards,

Simon Paillard

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