Package: subversion-tools
Version: 1.1.3
Severity: normal

Here is an excerpt from a load_dirs session involving UTF8-encoded 
filenames that appear to confuse some of the tools.  It may also be useful 
to add quotes around all filenames lacking them (eg. the last error 

| Continue printing (Y/n)? n
| Enter two indexes for each column to rename, (R)elist, or (F)inish: 17 39
| Renaming doc_search/Doc_Search Includes to doc_search/A retiré/Doc_Search 
| Includes.
| Running /usr/bin/svn mkdir "doc_search/A retiré"
| Running /usr/bin/svn mv "doc_search/Doc_Search Includes" "doc_search/A 
| retiré/Doc_Search Includes"
| svn: Can't open 'doc_search/A retiré/Doc_Search Includes/.svn/lock.tmp': 
| No such file or directory
| svn_load_dirs: /usr/bin/svn mv doc_search/Doc_Search Includes doc_search/A 
| retiré/Doc_Search Includes failed with this output:
| Press return to quit and clean up svn working directory: 

And then I'm back to shell prompt.

OTOH, if I set LANG=fr_FT.UTF-8 (instead of latin1 french), then it
appears to work fine, but I now realize that either
previously-imported filenames (with previous svn_load_dirs runs) are
now corrupted, or svn_load_dirs now interprets wrongly some other
filenames.  Note in the following listing the double-encoding in the
"deleted" list, which in reality refer to files within renamed dirs,
but whose corrupted encodings surely do not match the real pathname:

| Enter two indexes for each column to rename, (R)elist, or (F)inish: 7 60
| Renaming doc_search/OTSGENE to doc_search/A retiré/OTSGENE.
| Running /usr/bin/svn mv doc_search/OTSGENE "doc_search/A retiré/OTSGENE"
|      Deleted                       Added
| [...]
|    6 doc_search/A retiré/OTSGENE/Manuel de la page générique 
| OTS.doc_____________________ ABD0100/administration/
| [...]

If I remove those broken imports from my repository, and load them all
with the UTF8 locale, then it works fine.

Best regards,
Yann Dirson    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
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