Michael Stone wrote:
> severity 304556 normal
> thanks
> At most this is normal, probably minor. The -m flag is basically
> replacing a call to chmod, which has exactly the same problem. Any time
> you fiddle with permissions or ownership in the filesystem you're
> opening yourself up to this exact problem--and there's essentially no
> way to fix it in the general case. The only time it's worth calling this
> a security problem is if there's a specific exploitable case, like a
> cron job that does this sort of operation in an unsafe directory, and
> that would be something that should be corrected in the calling script.

I've only seen advisories for this whole class of bugs pop up in the
past couple of weeks (whoops, there's a new one for cpio..). 

It's not really clear to me either why people consider this a security
hole now after not worrying about this class of problems for years.
OTOH, I thought much the same thing about XSS holes when they started
being reported. I think it's perhaps too early to make a judgement.

Anyway, minor severity seems too low. If I _want_ to make a shell script
that functions safely in that environment, I can audit for chmods, but
mkdir -m containing a race is counterintuitive since there's no good
reason for it to. (Note that mkdir w/o -m can be used to make
directories with any desired permissions, with no race, just set the
umask appropriatly). And that's also why I consider this is a security
hole, though not a RC one.

Beh, I could have coded a fix in the time it took to write this mail I

see shy jo

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