Hello Piotr,

Sorry for waiting, didn't get a copy of your last messages. I use mod_php with .php extensions and suPHP with .uphp extension (and even PHP with FastCGI with .fphp extensions). Each for different purposes, eg. files written by mod_php are owned by www-data while files written by suPHP (or FastCGI PHP) are owned by the user that is specified in User and Group directives in the Apache vhost. This works great for me, phpmyadmin has .php extensions and so runs with mod_php only as it should, but suPHP is also loaded in apache and so the problems show up. suPHP_Engine is not allowed between directory directives, only global or vhosts seem ok. For phpmyadmin disabling suPHP has a problem, global is not acceptable, and you have no information of vhosts. So it seems to me that completely removing suPHP_Engine is the only way, but there is still the tricky way with changing handlers for .php in Apache. This all is not an Apache bug.

Normally the .php extension is connected to suPHP by (handler) AddHandler x-httpd-php .php, but for mod_php (MIME-type) AddType application/x-httpd-php .php has to be used. You already have the AddType directives for phpmyadmin in the .htaccess file (like in directory directives) and I think this should be enough to catch the .php extension away from suPHP and connect it to mod_php[45] or php-cgi again.

I agree with you in #287897 that phpmyadmin files have to be owned root:root, and that phpmyadmin should/can not be run with suPHP.

Best regards, René

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