I intend to include the attached file with the next upload
of the Debian package of gv. While it misses some parts of a
nice fullscreen mode (like scaling the document to the window,
changing the windw size and tell the wm to no need decorations,
or being able to switch at runtime and so on), it's useable when
having a WM to make the window fullscreen (like icewm's Strg-F11)
and when having set up a scaling so that the file nicely fits into
the screen (otherwise some borders may show up and the list of pages
is shown when there is space left)

To test is just try to gv --style=/path/to/gv_fullscreen.dat, or
without path if in the current directory or the /usr/share/gv directory.

        Bernhard R. Link

Attachment: gv_fullscreen.dat
Description: MOPAC data

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