On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 22:10:01 -0600, Jason Bucata wrote:

> Package: xserver-xfree86
> Version: any
> Severity: wishlist
> It would be really really nice if dpkg-reconfigure would let you input
> something for the mouse "Resolution" parameter.  By default it omits
> that parameter in the generated XF86Config, which leave the mouse speed
> at whatever default that winds up being (which was too fast for me, but
> at any rate is something that many users would prefer to tweak).
> It's possible for clueful users to edit the file, but that means
> touching something that will be overwritten the next time
> dpkg-reconfigure is run, and in general it misses the point of using
> dpkg-reconfigure for configuration tasks in the first place.
> I encountered this on XFree86 3.x but per #debian I understand it still
> applies in 4.2.

dexconf's purpose is to create a minimal working config, not tweak every
possible driver option.  There are other utilities to do that, or the
config file can be edited by hand.  I don't think the mouse resolution
parameter falls under the scope of dexconf, so I'm closing this bug.


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