Il giorno mer, 25/07/2007 alle 20.47 -0400, Frédéric Brière ha scritto:
> Of course, feel free to ignore my rambling if you would rather do
> things
> differently.  I'm merely picking at the things that bothered me when I
> first installed this package.  :) 

Eheh. I finished the package some weeks ago and never uploaded it. I
will check Krzysztof's package and merge the best of the two, then
upload. Thank you very much.


Federico Di Gregorio               
Debian GNU/Linux Developer                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
INIT.D Developer                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 fog, non capisco perche' devi sempre fare la faccia feroce... non sei
  credibile con quei baffi di cioccolato!              -- macchinavapore

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