----- Forwarded message from kounch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: kounch <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Bug#304722:
Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 15:02:37 +0200
To: Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
X-Mailer: Apple Mail (2.619.2)

        sorry if my report was incomplete. When i decided to send it, 
it was late at night and i was a bit fed up of the installation and 
also sleepy to begin copying things to a paper. Here you have a 
rewritten report, whith more information: 

Package: installation-reports 

Debian-installer-version: 05/15/2005 ISO image from 
uname -a: Linux debian 2.6.8-powerpc #1 Sat Jan 29, 21:15:25 CET 2005 
ppc unknown (obtained from the console of the installer) 
Date: 05/15/2005 00:30 
Method: Booting from CD 

Machine: PowerMac G4 
Processor: Dual G4 450 
Memory: 768MB 
Root Device: IDE hda11 
Root Size/partition table: (obtained using pdisk_OSX) 

   #:                 type name                  length   base      ( 
size ) 
   1:  Apple_partition_map Apple                     63 @ 1         
   2:       Apple_Driver43*Macintosh                 56 @ 64        
   3:       Apple_Driver43*Macintosh                 56 @ 120       
   4:     Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh                 56 @ 176       
   5:     Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh                 56 @ 232       
   6:       Apple_FWDriver Macintosh                512 @ 288       
   7:   Apple_Driver_IOKit Macintosh                512 @ 800       
   8:        Apple_Patches Patch Partition          512 @ 1312      
  15:           Apple_Free Extra                 262144 @ 1824      
   9:            Apple_HFS Apple_HFS_Untitled_4  41680896 @ 263968    ( 
  16:           Apple_Free Extra                 262144 @ 41944864  
  10:            Apple_HFS Apple_HFS_Untitled_5 209453056 @ 42207008  ( 
  17:           Apple_Free Extra                 244736 @ 251660064 
  12:           Apple_Boot eXternal booter        17408 @ 251904800 (  
  11:      Apple_Bootstrap untitled                1954 @ 251922208 
  13:      Apple_UNIX_SVR2 untitled            65408204 @ 251924162 ( 
  14:      Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap                 2840690 @ 317332366 (  

Partition 9 is OS X partition 
Partition 10 is OS 9 partition 
Partition 13 is / partition for linux 
Partitions 11,13,14 created automatically by debian installer using 
available free space 

   #:                 type name                 length   base     ( 
size ) 
   1:  Apple_partition_map Apple                    63 @ 1        
   2:       Apple_Driver43*Macintosh                56 @ 64       
   3:       Apple_Driver43*Macintosh                56 @ 120      
   4:     Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh                56 @ 176      
   5:     Apple_Driver_ATA*Macintosh                56 @ 232      
   6:       Apple_FWDriver Macintosh               512 @ 288      
   7:   Apple_Driver_IOKit Macintosh               512 @ 800      
   8:        Apple_Patches Patch Partition         512 @ 1312     
   9:           Apple_Free Extra                262144 @ 1824     
  10:            Apple_HFS Apple_HFS_Untitled_2 59766448 @ 263968   ( 
  11:           Apple_Free Extra                    16 @ 60030416 

Partition 10 is HFS+ Data partition i use from OS X 

Output of lspci and lspci -n: (does not work on the console from the 

Base System Installation Checklist: 
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it 

Initial boot worked:    [ OK ] 
Configure network HW:   [ OK ] 
Config network:         [ OK ] 
Detect CD:              [ OK ] 
Load installer modules: [ OK ] 
Detect hard drives:     [ OK ] 
Partition hard drives:  [ OK ] 
Create file systems:    [ OK ] 
Mount partitions:       [ OK ] 
Install base system:    [ OK ] 
Install boot loader:    [ E  ] 
Reboot:                 [ OK ] 


Started installation from CD-ROM (Debian Installer RC3 from from 
Selected Spanish as language, Spain and Spanish for country and USB 
Network configured manually (no DHCP server) for our lan; with gateway and nameserver 
(this is the setup which i use without problems with OS X on same 
Selected to determine partitions manually, and select the final free 
space of disk (about 32GB) with installer help, selecting the option 
one partition (for newbies). 
After that, formatting, copying packages, configuration, yaboot 
installation goes without errors of the installer. 
The CD is ejected and the installer prompts to reboot. 

After rebooting, yaboot menu appears with three options: linux, OS X or 
CD (it appears that the OS 9 partition wasn't correctly detected). 
Selecting CD or OS X works OK, but selecting linux changes to the 
"boot:" prompt and then the following message appears: 

  Input/output error 

Now i will try to read yaboot manual, and try to boot the partitioin#13 
from the CD-ROM. If you need any more information i can gather, or want 
me to try some other thing, please don't doubt in contacting me. I will 
be away for the weekend, but available again from Sunday night al 
through the following week. 


Here you have a rewritten report, whith more information: 

El 15/04/2005, a las 6:42, Christian Perrier escribió: 

> > Installation goes well, reporting no errors but, after rebooting 
> > and  
> > showing the boot: it prompts an error  when trying to load the 
> > kernel  
> > (something about open firmware path) the system does not load.  
> > 
> Well, can you just mention what exactly this message is? 

----- End forwarded message -----


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