tags 244754 moreinfo

Sam, you may have more  background than us about this issue.

In #244754, the bug reporter mentions that the limits.conf man page
should belong to libpam-modules rather than passwd.

Indeed, in shadow's changelog we find:

shadow (1:4.0.3-12) unstable; urgency=low

  * Rename limits(5) to limits.conf(5) and edit to reflect reality.
    closes: #212935

 -- Karl Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Sat, 25 Oct 2003 15:26:20 -0400

Do you have a limits.conf man page in libpam-modules upstream?

If so, you probably had to do something to avoid installing it...and
we should maybe consider doing something to get it installed by
libpam-modules rather than an unrelated package like passwd (OK,
passwd depends on libpam-modules, but nothing prevents having a system
with libpam-modules and *not* passwd).

Or do you have another suggestion ? Indeed, I think we need your input.


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