On Tue, Apr 12, 2005 at 11:10:00AM +0200, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:

> > mouseemu --help
> >    just starts mouseemu.
> It's mouseemu -help

Ok.  But if I supply "--help", which is then an invalid switch, it
should instead fail and complain about the invalid switch (and maybe
suggest to use "-help" to get help).

> > Now I'd like to reconfigure mouseemu to something saner (which allows me
> > to access those functions that F10 and F11 were actually useful for in
> > my system):
> >  - What are those numbers I have to provide to its switches?
> >    -> undocumented.
> They are in /usr/src/kernel-headers-*/include/linux/input.h or can be
> shown by the showkey utility in a console.

Ok.  You could then add a line about it in the manpage, such as:

"The numbers in the switches are key scancodes: you can see them looking
at /usr/src/kernel-headers-*/include/linux/input.h or using the
"showkey" utility (if you have never used showkey, don't forget to read
its manpage for informations on how to exit from it)".

> >  - How do I disable mouse mapping, keeping only the "disable touchpad
> >    while typing" feature?
> >    -> undocumented.
> The default mappings provided by upstream are F10 and F11. On my system
> these mapping worked quite well because I don't use these keys.
> But I'd like to discuss a better way for the default configuration. I
> see the following options:
> 1) leave the default as it is and just give better documentation on how
> to change it. (Do you think that a debconf note would be justified in
> this case?)
> 2) Change the default to not do any mouse button emulation by default.
> This will probably annoy other users, but is a safer option.
> 3) Add some debconf questions to configure wheter the different features
> should be activated or not. I'm not sure if this is really worth the
> effort.
> 4) something else?

Uhm... given the package description (great on macs, useful on others),
I would do this:

 - Emulate right and middle button on macs (as this is the expected
   function there)

 - Do not emulate buttons on archs with multi-button mice (but just do
   the disable-touchpad thing).
   One could have a use for emulating the middle button on 2-button
   mice, but that is usually acheived by clicking both buttons by
   default, so it can be a feature disabled by default that someone can

Would this default be ok, also to existing users on mac?

A medium-priority debconf note is an interesting option as well
(independently on this proposed default).

> > A shame, because the package has got the potential to be really useful.
> Sorry, your bug report shows me how difficult it is to package an
> application one knows quite well in a way that things obvious to me are
> also documented for others. It's not that I deliberatly underdocumented
> this package or that I didn't care enough. I spent enough time packaging
> it that I also want it to be usefull.

Don't worry, it's normal: everytime you scale to a larger audience you
have less shared knowledge and you hit this sort of problems.

I really love to see mouseemu around, though: both for the
disable-touchpad feature, and for knowing where to look at when I want
to know how to mess with the new 2.6 input system :)



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