On Fri, Aug 10, 2007 at 11:32:56PM +0200, Jordà Polo wrote:
> The package is now in the pkg-games repo[1]. I reviewed it made a few
> changes, and I think it is now mostly ready for a new upload.
>       1. http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-games/packages/trunk/neverball/?op=log
> Tamas, I assume you still have some interest, so I added you to
> "Uploaders". Please tell me if you prefer to stay away from the package
> until you have more time.

The Debian packaging didn't have a license at all; I changed the
copyright to reflect that it is under the same license than upstream:
GPLv2 or later.

Plese let me know if you prefer some other license.

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