Dear BTS developers,

Though it is true that mail subscriptions to bugs does eliminate the
need for per-bug report RSS feeds, to a great extent, many of us still
feel it would be nice to have the following RSS feeds:

1. Based on bug number: Nothing special here. A description to every
mail like blog posts would be nice.
2. Based on package name: List out a bug with description and
severity, and provide a link to the BTS. Bacially, provide only the
information which is given by<package>
3. Based on maintainer: Simlar to (2).

Though this does seem a little redundant, I think many will appreciate
the convenience provided by this feature. Also, using external
services to generate RSS feeds is not a good solution, since I think
using your scripts to make RSS feeds rather than scraping the
generated HTML is better, IMHO.

But if you still think this is unnecessary effort as many won't really
need it, please feel free to tag this wontfix.


Kumar Appaiah,
458, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600036

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