A. Costa wrote:
>       1) Inelegant.  The whole pipe paradigm is so you can stick your
>          filter anywhere in the pipe, and it'll do its thing.  At
>          present 'sponge' only works at the caboose, with filename.

This is a bug in /bin/sh.

>       2) The docs don't mention that '... | sponge | ...' is useless.
>            Better to return an error if there's no filename.

It's not useless. It does what the man page says it does.


svn diff | sponge | patch -R -p0

Here the whole diff is generated before patch is allowed to modify the
same files that are being diffed.

>       3) 'man sponge' states "...sponge soaks up all its input before
>           opening the output file..."; which implies standard output,

The shell doesn't care when sponge opens stdout. As soon as it sees a
redirection to a file, it will open, and zero, the file.

see shy jo

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