This bug is apparently not getting fixed, since it's been open for a
long time now with no action.
I'm going to argue why it instead should be tagged "wontfix" (and
possibly closed), to atleast dignify the bug reporter with an answer to
his request. (But as I'm not the maintainer, I won't add the tag

- The esqf is described as a verbatime copy of sqf which some hardcoded
values exposed as configurable and some other modifications. The reason
I've read was to not jeopardise the stability of the original sfq with
I'd say that if these changes now has been proven reliable the proper
way of dealing with this would be to merge them into sfq, instead of
merging the "development version" - esfq.
Someone else seems to agree and there's recently been an effort to port
some of esfq features (the useful ones which isn't supposed to be
covered by a planned rewrite).
(Posts to the netdev list on 29 Juli 2007 titled "SFQ: backport some
features from ESFQ (try 2)")

- As far as I know there has been no effort to merge esfq in the
upstream kernel and I'm guessing there will be no future attempts
eigther. This will likely make the upstream iproute2 maintainer to
refuse to merge the userspace part and the debian maintainers would have
to manage the maintainance burden.

I would say that the time spent on carrying and maintaining a patch in
debian would be better spent on getting the features merged upstream
into SFQ.

Andreas Henriksson

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