"SV" == Santiago Vila <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


    SV> The Architecture: all packages should be generated *only*
    SV> by the binary-indep target. In version 2.22-3, the
    SV> binary-arch target still generates the mminstance package.

    SV> If you are using debhelper, this basically means using -i
    SV> in binary-indep (which you did) but also -a in binary-arch
    SV> (which you didn't yet).

    SV> In doubt, try "dpkg-buildpackage -B", as autobuilders
    SV> do. If the mminstance package is still generated, then
    SV> this bug is not fixed yet.

Thanks for both these tips -- I overlooked the -a option in the
package I was using as an example.  

The main issue here for me is that I was generating a dummy
package for the first time, and couldn't find good documentation
for that procedure.  I appreciate your taking the time to point
out the bits I missed.

This problem should be fixed (for real) in my most recent upload,
which happens to be version 2.26.  I may have to close the bug by
hand, as the bug closure notice was included in the changelog for
an earlier package that I didn't bother to upload.

Thanks, again,


 Man cannot be civilised, or be kept civilised by what he does in his
            spare time; only by what he does as his work.
                             W.R. Lethaby
  C.M. Connelly               [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   SHC, DS

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