> Could you please check with gconf-editor the separator_position value,
> and post how it changes.

* I start with the results tab hidden.
default_window_height 580
default window maximised is checked (by the way, my resolution is 1280x800)
default_window_width 934
separator_position 1265

* Now I drag the tab to the left, do a search and close.
separator_position 614

* Doing the same, the values are 838, 934, 1265 and then steady. By the way,
it is not necessary to do any search, open and close is enough.

Which desktop environment are you using?


Could you check, if gconfd is
> running?

Yes, the line in the output of ps -aux is /usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconfd-2 13

> Another explanation could be, that o3read (which is used for extracting
> the text) is not working properly for your files.
> Please check that, before opening a bug report.

OK, I saw that I did not have o3read installed. I installed all the
recommended packages.

I did not install the suggested packages because they do not seem to have
much to do, do they?

Thank you

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