I'd like to see if we can get this back into Debian.  By removing it,
we're stranding users who may have image files in cinepaint's native
format, as well as removing (AFAIK) any ability to deal with deep color
image files in Debian.  It seems to me that if we have an installable,
usable package that doesn't cause problems for anything else, it's
better to have it than not, though it be imperfect.

The package I'm working on, using the latest upstream version, closes at
least ten bugs -- most importantly the RC not-binNMU-safe one.  I
suspect several others are fixed as well.

If there are objections to reintroducing the package, I'd like to know
so I can try to address them.

Thanasis Kinias
Doctoral Candidate, Department of History, and
  Instructor, Professional Enhancement Programs
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.
Je ne viens d'aucun pays, d'aucune cité, d'aucune tribu.  Je suis fils de la
route, ma patrie est caravane, et ma vie la plus inattendue des traversées.
  -- Amin Maalouf, _Léon l'Africain_

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