Mark Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Package: xmlto
> Version: 0.0.18-5.1
> Severity: normal
> Attempting to generate a PDF results in the following output being
> generated:
> | $ xmlto pdf
> | PassiveTeX is needed for this format, but it is not installed. Please 
> install
> | the passivetex package.
> but the passivetex package is only present in oldstable so this isn't
> terribly helpful advice.


this report could be merged with

#416622 xmlto: Suggested package passivetex is not intesting/unstable

A possible solution is outlined there, but until now nobody of the
Debian XML/SGML group has given any feedback.

Regards, Andreas Hoenen
Andreas Hoenen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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