On Wednesday 12 September 2007, Sune Vuorela wrote:
> On Thursday 13 September 2007, Arnout Boelens wrote:
> > Package: libqt4-dev
> > Version: 4.3.1-2
> > Severity: normal
> >
> > I tried to compile the xml examples in the qt4 documentation, but none of
> > them work. For example, for the streambookmarks exampe I get an error like:
> >
> > xbelreader.h:43:28: error: QXmlStreamReader: No such file or directory
> Hi!
> Please tell how exactly you try to compile the examples.
> full commandline with all options and such.
> /Sune

I should have read the documentation better. I had forgotten to add "QT += xml"
to my .pro file. Now everything compiles just fine.


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