On Fri, 14 Sep 2007, Jordà Polo wrote:

On Thu, Sep 13, 2007 at 11:23:10PM +0200, Tomas Pospisek wrote:
In a way you might be right, most 3D games seem to boost CPU consumption to
100% even if they're idling. However neverball is the worst I've seen so
far - were the system even a little less responsive, I would have had to
powercycle the PC, nevermind any unsaved work.

So the question for me would be: is neverball polling insanely? Or is it
below neverball? Or is it both? If it's below neverball and neverball just
somehow manages to trigger the insanity in a specially pathologic way, then
who is consuming 100% CPU? Is it X? The nv driver? The opengl SW driver?

You reported the bug against neverputt, but you are talking about neverball
now. Just to make it clear: do you have this problem with neverball,
neverputt or both? (Yeah, the names are a bit confusing...)

I'm having the problem with neverputt. Sorry for the confusion.

  Tomas Pospisek
  http://sourcepole.com -  Linux & Open Source Solutions

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