On Sun, 16 Sep 2007 14:47:34 +0200, martin f krafft wrote:

> If I tell jabref to download a paper, it fails. A dialog opens and
> the file apparently downloads just fine. However, as filename, the
> suggestion is "/[BibTexKey].[extension]" (with the brackets properly
> replaced). Of course, this would fail since I cannot write to /.


Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

I did some tests now, and the following seems to work for me:
* Go to Options->Preferences->External programs and set "Main file
* Make sure not to have a trailing slash in this entry (otherwise the
  file is downloaded and stored correctly but the bibtex entry is
> If I browse for the file destination, the path misses the leading
> URL:
>   home/madduck/phd/papers/...

Again this seems to correspond to the existing and correct "Main file
directory entry".
AFAICS (from the tests and from reading JabRef's help) all file
linking activities are relative to some directory (which makes moving
around stuff easier).
I hope my notes help to get it working less cumbersome for you but
the handling of file names for downloads is not really intuitive, so
I'll discuss this with upstream.

If the described procedure works for you I suggest that we downgrade
the bug and retitle it.

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