
On Tuesday 25 September 2007 13:23, Steffen wrote:
> tags 443994 wontfix

Aehm, I was asked by Michael Koch (also a maintainer of this package) to file 
this bug, so that you can track this. I did not understand him, that he 
wanted to track it wontfix.

Please tags 443994 -wontfix

> I totally agree, that the getweb script needs to work and that the
> documentation for this should be optimal.

You don't understand.

(Of course, I also agree that getweb should work and the docs should be good, 
but:) This bug is about making running the getweb script manually by the user 

> But I am afraid that there won't be a package with the firmware included.

Why not? Some of those firmwares, which you can install with foo2zjs are 
distributable. Why not include them in a package (in nonfree) and fullfill #4 
of the social contract: "our priorities are free software and our users." ?


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