I just filed my ITA on the Debian astrolog package, which I've been
working on for a month or so now -- I've updated the building, patched
some code, fixed various bugs and policy violations, etc.  I've also
been in contact with the upstream author about clarifying the licensing.
I hadn't filed a formal ITA yet until today, though.  Nobody had touched
the package in a log time, but I'm anticipating being ready to upload in
the next couple of days, as soon as I finish writing the man page and
hear back from the -legal folks.

Anyway, I just noticed that you sent a message to the O: bug yesterday

> ITA, i wans to adopt this package
> thank you

but you didn't actually _do_ the ITA by taking ownership and retitling.

It's a rather bizarre coincidence that after all this time we both
started working on it so close together!

Have you done much work on this yet?  I really don't want to get into a
struggle over adoption of the package, but I've done rather a lot of
work already and would like to continue, especially if I can get the
package moved out of non-free (and I'm optimistic this can happen).

Thanasis Kinias
Doctoral Candidate, Department of History, and
  Instructor, Professional Enhancement Programs
Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, U.S.A.
Je ne viens d'aucun pays, d'aucune cité, d'aucune tribu.  Je suis fils de la
route, ma patrie est caravane, et ma vie la plus inattendue des traversées.
  -- Amin Maalouf, _Léon l'Africain_

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