
> Hello,
> Thanks for submitting your Debian mirror.
> Before we can include it in the list of mirrors, some details must be
> fixed :
> On Mon, Aug 20, 2007 at 06:06:30PM +0000, LabCC wrote:
> > Submission-Type: new
> > Site: debian.dcc.fc.up.pt
> > Type: leaf
> > Archive-http: /debian/
> The local trace file should have the same name as the site name (so here
> debian.dcc.fc.up.pt)

problem resolved, i altered the hostname parameter in the anonftpsync

> > CDImage-http: /debian-cd/
> Please respect the same tree as cdimage.debian.org, by putting iso in a
> iso-cd or iso-dvd directory and not in a jigdo* directory.
> Otherwise the Debian users may have difficulties to find CD images.

i hope its is now in compliance with the cdimage.debian.org

> > Security-http: /debian-security/
> > Mirrors-from: ftp.nl.debian.org
> > Archive-architecture: amd64 i386 ia64 powerpc 
> Check that again, because
> http://debian.dcc.fc.up.pt/debian/dists/unstable/ and for example
> http://debian.dcc.fc.up.pt/debian/pool/main/i/iceweasel/ lists many
> other architectures.

the problem came from our previous script that mirrored more
architectures, this is now resolved.

> Please note that if you mirrored many architectures, excluding them
> afterwards at the rsync level will not remove them from your mirror.
> You have to delete them by hand.
> Please use the last anonftpsync script at
> http://debian.org/mirrors/anonftpsync that does atomic updates and
> correctly excludes architectures-specific files.
> > Maintainer: LabCC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Country: PT Portugal
> > Location: Porto, Campo Alegre
> > Sponsor: Departamento de Ciência de Computadores da Faculdade de Ciências 
> > da Universidade do Porto http://dcc.fc.up.pt
> Comments about the available bandwidth, and the frequency update are
> welcome.

The available bandwidth is 100Mbs an the update frequency is daily.

> Don't forget to reply to the bug once these details will be fixed.
> Thanks for mirroring Debian and best regards,

Iam sorry for the time it took to resolve these issues but we had to
resolve other issues before we could address this one.

Tanks for the patience,


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