On 9/28/07, Mohammed Adnène Trojette <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 28, 2007, H. S. wrote:
> > There are a few other characters that should be included. Do you think I
> > should send patches for them too?
> Please give me a full "diff -u" patch.

Here you go (again, this is on Debian Unstable):
$> diff -u gur gur-ks
--- gur 2007-09-28 14:25:04.000000000 -0400
+++ gur-ks      2007-09-28 14:25:45.000000000 -0400
@@ -47,14 +47,14 @@
 // Mainly unvoiced consonants

       key <AC06> {     [], [      0x1000A2A,  0x1000A2B
]       };
-      key <AC07> {     [], [      0x1000A30,  0x1000A30
]       };
+      key <AC07> {     [], [      0x1000A30,  0x1000A5C
]       };
       key <AC08> {     [], [      0x1000A15,  0x1000A16
]       };
       key <AC09> {     [], [      0x1000A24,  0x1000A25
]       };
       key <AC10> {     [], [      0x1000A1A,  0x1000A1B
]       };
       key <AC11> {     [], [      0x1000A1F, 0x1000A20
]       };
       key <BKSL> {     [], [      backslash, bar               ]       };

-      key <AB01> {      [], [      z, Z      ]       };
+      key <AB01> {      [], [      0x1000A71, 0x1000A01      ]       };
       key <AB02> {      [], [      0x1000A02,   0x1000A70       ]       };
       key <AB03> {      [], [      0x1000A2E,      0x1000A23
]       };
       key <AB04> {      [], [      0x1000A28,      0x1000A28
]       };

> BTW, my earlier comment that I am not sure if there a "standard" which
> > specifies where each character should go on a gur layout still stands.
> Please only give characters which are present in a standard layout.

Okay. But before I can do that, what do you mean by "standard keyboard"? Are
you aware of any website which defines the standard layouts? If I can have
that, I can send you the diffs to include as many of the characters as
possible in the gur layout.


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