Hi Floris,

on Thu, Oct 04, 2007 at 03:06:18PM +0100 you wrote:
> I must admit I only use omniORB through omniORBpy, so don't really
> know the anser.  I had a look in the release notes and documentation
> but didn't find anything explicitly, so I've asked this on the
> omniorb-users lists.

is the question if it's (intended to be) fully API compatible, then the
source package could just me updated.

> The library packages do change name (from foo4 to foo4-1) due to the
> soname change, so anyone depending on it (i.e. omnievents) will be
> broken until they are rebuild.  Not entirely sure how that is managed
> normally... I'll try and look more into that.

Fine, an ABI change.

> No one said shared libraries are easy ;-)

Me neither. ;o)

It's nice to see work on updated omniORB packages!

Kind regards,
Philipp Kern
Debian Developer

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