tag 360066 unreproducible

I think this is actually due to a typo on the submitter's behalf:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo ps
> sudo: unable to lookup az-svr-01 via gethostbyname()
>   PID TTY          TIME CMD
> 12302 pts/0    00:00:00 ps
> If I change the hostname to azsrv01 sudo is silent about this:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ sudo ps

Note that "az-svr-01", "azsrv01" and "azsvr01" appear with variants of
"svr" and "srv". If I try that myself, setting my hostname to "az-svr-01"
as indicated in the first prompt, and adding "fqdn" to the "Defaults" line
of my /etc/sudoers, I get the following results:

] # grep az- /etc/hosts
]       az-srv-01
] # sudo echo hi
] sudo: unable to lookup az-svr-01 via gethostbyname()
] hi

] # vi /etc/hosts
] # grep az- /etc/hosts
]       az-svr-01
] # sudo echo hi
] hi

Unless there's some other circumstances that make the submitter's machine
behave differently, I think this bug report can be closed.



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