* Christopher J Peikert ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > > In /etc/mozilla-firefox/mozilla-firefoxrc, the line
> > > FIREFOX_DSP="auto"
> > > should have the quotes removed.  With the quotes, sound is generally
> > > screwy and certainly is broken with the java plugin.  Without the
> > > quotes, sound works fine in all cases I've tried.
> > 
> > I defy you to tell me how FIREFOX_DSP="auto" and FIREFOX_DSP=auto are
> > not completely equivalent statements. Dig deeper, this can't be the
> > problem. 
> Hrm, yes, very mysterious.  I thought the quotes were being included in
> the variable's value.
> Here are the exact steps I took to fix my problem:
> In a console,
> % export FIREFOX_DSP=auto
> % mozilla-firefox
> Suddently, sound works properly!
> <fiddle with mozilla-firefoxrc; sound continues working, even when I
> launch firefox from outside that console.>

Running mozilla-firefox a second time, when an existing instance is
running will just open a new window in the existing instance, not
actually launch another process. 
> % export FIREFOX_DSP=
> % mozilla-firefox
> Sound continues working, and does so whether I launch firefox from
> inside the console or outside.
> So now I am completely stumped how this fixed it.  Immediately prior to
> this experiment, I had run firefox and the sound was broken.  I had also
> run
> % dpkg-reconfigure mozilla-browser
> and
> % dpkg-reconfigure mozilla-firefox

dpkg-reconfigure mozilla-firefox won't really do anything,
mozilla-firefox doesn't ask any debconf questions. 
> but I stuck with all the same options.
> If I could find a way to re-break firefox sound, then maybe I could get
> to the bottom of this.

What's in your /etc/mozilla-firefox/mozilla-firefoxrc and your
~/.mozilla-firefoxrc (if it exists)? 

Eric Dorland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
ICQ: #61138586, Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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