* Eric Van Buggenhaut wrote:

> What is the sense of this command:
> vsound -t -n realplay foo.rm & sleep 60;
> ?

I'm using vsound for automated recordings of radio transmissions
with actually higher values than 60; after, say, half an hour
realplay then gets killed by another command from my script, so
I don't have to do that manually (I haven't yet tried how good
the »-a« switch works).
> I'm trying here
> vsound -t -n realplay \
> rtsp://live-ra.dradio.de/live/deutschlandfunk/dlf_64k.rm
> If I kill realplay after 60s, I really get a 60s audio file.
> Can you try that too and confirm me it's working ?

This seems to depend on the version of RealPlayer. With a
standard v8, it's working as you described. But with the
current standard v10, the resulting audio file is only about
one second long on my system.

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