Sorry for the delay... On Sun 15 Feb 2004, Pedro Larroy wrote: > > rsync transmits files even when it has no remote write permissions on the > remote host, so the bandwitdth is wasted, and may even confuse the user to > think he really xmited the files. > > This should really be fixed.
The problem is that rsync can't tell beforehand that it won't be able to write to any of the files, and transferring files happens pipelined so that errors on previous files may appear after transmitting the next file has already started. This is part of the optimalization of rsync to make it as fast as possible. However, the current 2.6.4 version should correctly report errors about the transfer of the files, so that the user shouldn't get the idea that the files were transmitted. Paul Slootman -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]