> svn has lost its ability to send emails - now it responds with an
> error-message when I check-in an update
> Warning: 'post-commit' hook failed with error output:
> /usr/lib/subversion/hook-scripts/commit-email.pl: use of either `-h' or
> `--from' is mandatory when sending email using direct SMTP.

Thanks.  The problem is that the script defaults to defining
$smtp_server instead of $sendmail, the wrong default for Debian.
Previous versions of the same script didn't even have the choice,
sendmail mode was the only thing it used, so that's why this worked for
you before.

Around line 50, if you comment out '$smtp_server = ""' and
uncomment '$sendmail = "/usr/sbin/sendmail"', it will work.
(Alternatively, pass "-h your_hostname" into the script from your
post-commit hook.)

I'll change it to use $sendmail for the next upload.  Thanks again.
Peter Samuelson | org-tld!p12n!peter | http://p12n.org/

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