On Sat, 2007-10-27 at 15:33 +0200, Rémi Letot wrote:
> Michel Dänzer a écrit :
> > > All these windows cohexist in a single X session, so I don't think that 
> > > it's related to the way the Nvidia driver behaves. Compiz must do 
> > > something to the terminal windows it creates that metacity doesn't do, 
> > > the trick is to find that difference :-)
> > >     
> > 
> > 'Must do' why? I don't see anything that would follow from. 
> English is not my mother tongue, so maybe the tone is not right and
> "must do" is too categoric, but to answer your question : because
> gnome-terminal windows started before compiz are not affected, they
> behave quite normally under compiz on the same display at the same
> time. 
> Procedure : I start gnome with metacity, then a gnome-terminal window,
> then compiz ("compiz --replace" in that terminal for example), then
> start another gnome-terminal. Both gnome-terminals are on the same
> screen at the same time with compiz, but behave very differently. The
> first one, launched before compiz, is free of any problem. The second
> one, launched after compiz, freezes my desktop for 2 seconds everytime
> I resize it.
> Maybe this is related to the driver, but the problem-free behaviour of
> the first terminal, even under compiz, proves that compiz can handle
> them well.
> Now I tested other terminals (xterm and Eterm), and none of them
> displays the problematic behaviour. There is definitely something
> strange at work between compiz, the nvidia proprietary driver, and
> gnome-terminal.

I thought of something that might explain the mystery: Do you happen to
have transparent background enabled in gnome-terminal? How is the resize
performance of the two kinds of gnome-terminal windows after you kill
and restart compiz?

Earthling Michel Dänzer           |          http://tungstengraphics.com
Libre software enthusiast         |          Debian, X and DRI developer

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