On Tue, 30 Oct 2007 20:03:31 -0400, Michael Schultheiss
> PHP 3.01 is still GPL incompatible.  There's also many people under the
> impression that the PHP license is only valid for code from the PHP
> Group.  To solve the license issue, a GPL compatible license needs to be
> chosen.  http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/ lists numerous GPL
> Compatible Free Software Licenses.

But who said we need a GPL compatible licence ?

This issue is getting on my nerves now, so please stop throwing pointless
Debian can accept software packaged under PHP licence 3.01 provided that
they ship 
only php-related files.

I you have a doubt, look at php5's package licence.

*So* I have prepared a pakcage shipping *only* this pear package and
uploaded it to new.
It's still stuck there, but I hope that since the licence is cleared, it
will be accepted.

Now my question was wether there was something I didn't figured out in
*this* scenario,
not yet another occasion to feed the troll on GPL vs. PHP licence.

If you are the big  three,
We are the small axe...

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