Yves-Alexis Perez schrieb:
> On jeu, 2007-06-07 at 15:33 +0100, Simon Huggins wrote:
>> Upstream don't like the patch and it looks like for 0.5.10 hal will
>> use
>> PolicyKit/ConsoleKit which are supposed to be the way forwards for
>> this
>> stuff.
>> The quote from upstream was:
>> On Wed, May 30, 2007 at 04:00:22PM -0400, John (J5) Palmieri wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2007-05-30 at 13:02 -0500, Steev Klimaszewski wrote:
>>>> I believe the plan is to move to PolicyKit/ConsoleKit though not
>>>> likely to happen any time before 0.5.10.
>>> PolicyKit and ConsoleKit are indeed the future.  They allow D-Bus to
>>> ask can I do this without having to deal with policy specific
>>> implementations such as pam-console and pam-foreground.
>> I'm not sure when this is going to happen though but perhaps the
>> utopia
>> people do.
>> I see there's a ConsoleKit in experimental already.
> Now that hal 0.5.10 is in unstable, is there some progress on this?
> Consolekit seems to be in unstable too, will installing this solve
> everything?

Currently missing is policykit-gnome, which is in NEW atm. It's also
targetted at experimental. As soon as this package has been accepted, I
plan to upload a ConsoleKit/PolicyKit enabled hal to experimental.

But keep in mind, that dbus still requires some coarse grained access
rules (currently group based). When, if and how dbus will get PolicyKit
support i don't know.


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universe are pointed away from Earth?

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