James Troup schrieb:
Daniel Kahn Gillmor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
merge 432644 432143
I just wanted to second these bug reports. gnus users are more likely
to want to move to emacs22 than the random emacs user, i would think.
It'd be good to get them compatible within debian, and the patch from
432143 seems to work OK for me.
AFAICS the gnus in emacs22 is newer than either the current packaged
version or ngnus-0.6. It's not obvious to me that allowing the gnus
package to install with emacs22 before it's newer is a good idea.
That's not true. The Gnus version shipped with Emacs 22.1 is Oort Gnus
(v5.10) which was released on May 1, 2003. It's the unusual versioning
scheme that's a bit confusing. The even version numbers (e.g. v5.10) are
the stable Gnus distributions which are then renamed to odd numbers (in
this case v5.11) or Emacs inclusion:
For all releases it currently looks like this:
Alpha (CVS) --> Beta --> Emacs release
---------------- ---------- -------------
(ding) Gnus --> Gnus 5.0.x --> Gnus 5.1
September Gnus --> Gnus 5.2.x --> Gnus 5.3
Red Gnus --> Gnus 5.4.x --> Gnus 5.5
Quassia Gnus --> Gnus 5.6.x --> Gnus 5.6
Pterodactyl Gnus --> Gnus 5.8.x --> Gnus 5.9
Oort Gnus --> Gnus 5.10.x --> Gnus 5.11
No Gnus --> Gnus 5.12.x
The Wikipedia article on Gnus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnus)
describes it like this: "The odd version numbers, like 5.3 and 5.5 are
for the Gnus versions bundled with GNU Emacs. The even version numbers
are the unbundled releases. So for example, Gnus 5.5 is similar to Gnus
5.4, but bundled with Emacs 20.1.". Also the NEWS file for Emacs 22.1
mentions Oort Gnus: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/NEWS.22.1
So the current version in the Gnus package is "No Gnus" which will
become Gnus 5.12 when it's released, while the Gnus version in Emacs
22.1 is more than four years old. That's why I think it's very good if
the Gnus packages was updated to the current CVS version and also build
against Emacs 22.
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