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Josselin Mouette a écrit :
> Hi,

Hi Josselin,

> Thanks for the patch.

Actually I did not wrote it. A friend of mine did and posted it on
sourceforge. I'm merely a relay here, I quickly reviewed and tested it
and it seemed ok to me.

> Currently, tsclient is missing a primary maintainer and is therefore far
> from up-to-date despite how useful it is.
> If you want to contribute to the packaging to keep tsclient in good
> shape in Debian, you are most welcome.

I don't have much free time, but I'd be glad to help. I don't have much
experience in debian packaging (I did create some packages or backports
for private or corporate usage, nothing more), but if someone is willing
to mentor me I could probably help on tsclient.

Besides, I need it, I want it upgraded, so I guess someone has to do the
job ;)

I'll look into the source package and see if I can submit a patch.


- --
Clement Hermann (nodens)
- - "L'air pur ? c'est pas en RL, ça ? c'est pas hors charte ?"
Jean in L'Histoire des Pingouins, http://tnemeth.free.fr/fmbl/linuxsf/

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