El dom, 11-11-2007 a las 08:55 +0100, Jordà Polo escribió:
> On Fri, Nov 09, 2007 at 07:35:04PM +0100, José L. Redrejo Rodríguez wrote:
> > Package: wnpp
> > Severity: wishlist
> > Owner: José L. Redrejo Rodríguez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > 
> > * Package name    : jclic
> >   Version         :
> >   Upstream Author : Francesc Busquets <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > * URL             : http://clic.xtec.net/
> > * License         : GPL
> >   Description     : Tool for the development and use of multimedia
> > educational activities
> > 
> > JClic is formed by a set of computer applications that are used for
> > carrying out different types of educational activities: puzzles,
> > associations, text exercises, crosswords...
> > The activities are not usually used alone, but packed in projects. A
> > project is formed by a set of activities and one or more sequences,
> > which indicate the order in which they have to be shown.
> > Currently it's very used in Spain and its community
> > (http://clic.xtec.net/db/listact_en.jsp) has developed a web site with
> > more than 1.000 activities available in several languages.
> > JClic is developed in the Java platform and works in Windows, Linux, Mac
> > OS X and Solaris systems.
> Have you already built jclic from source? How? I tried to build it using gcj
> a long time ago (that is, before GPLd java was announced)

I've done it, but using java from Sun, not gcj. My plans are uploading
this application to Debian contrib until java is finally released under
gpl. I think this app is too used and important to wait for java to be

> ... but "failed".
> Back then I also found other issues related to the packaging and licensing,
> and sent a report upstream[1].

I've been "talking" with upstream about some of the same issues and they
are about to be fixed. The most important for me: the depedency on some
external libraries for xml support is already fixed (but not uploaded to
cvs yet)

> I'm interested in the package, but I was waiting for the inclusion of GPLd
> java in Debian before trying to package it again.
> Anyway, I would be glad to help co-maintain jclic if you are interested.

Let's wait until the changes to make jclic totally able to compile only
using sun java clases. Then I'll begin to work deeper in the package and
ping you. By the way, I already packaged it for LinEx (our Extremadura
Debian based distribution) some years ago, but doing it from the
binaries, not from the sources, so part of the work is already done.

Thanks for your offer and regards.
José L.

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