Sorry if you already received it . Seems I have issue with my yahoo smtp

Le jeudi 15 novembre 2007 à 22:08 -0800, Lars Louder a écrit :
> Alban,
> (I hope this email is going to the right place...)
> Did you ever find a resolution to debian bug#444491? This is driving me
> crazy. Any help would be much appreciated.

I apt-get source gnome-power-manager , then cd
gnome-power-manager-2.20.0-0, edit rules/debian and replace in
                        --enable-applets \


then I do :
dch -n , add a comment to the changelog (this will automatically add
a .1 to the package we gonna build and:
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b -uc -us

you should now have :

dpkg -i gnome-power-manager_2.20.0-1.1_i386.deb

checkfg is an ubuntu thing that was told upstream to be debian. Thank
you ubuntu.


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