reassign 275852 apt
retitle 275852 pkgTagFile::Step fails on large Release files

I could reproduce the bug, so I decided to dig into it. As it
turned out, the bug had nothing to do with hurd-i386, although
removing the lines from the Release file "fixes" the problem.

Steps to reproduce:
========= START ========= 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/code/xyz$ curl -O
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 34068  100 34068    0     0  36298      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 81959
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp/code/xyz$ python
Python 2.3.5 (#2, Mar 26 2005, 17:32:32) 
[GCC 3.3.5 (Debian 1:3.3.5-12)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import apt_pkg
>>> f = file("Release")
>>> p = apt_pkg.ParseTagFile(f)
>>> p.Step()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
SystemError: Unable to parse package file  (1)
=========  END  ========= 

Debugging showed that the bug is in apt itself, and not related to
python-apt directly.

The error occurs somewhere in pkgTagFile::Step.

Looking at the function code itself and at the error message, we can
say that the first Tag.Scan() failed, Fill() succeeded, and Tag.Scan
failed again.

Several gdb sessions later it became clear that the while loop in
pkgTagSection::Scan ran out of data to read, without hitting the

The actual cause of the problem is that sids Release file is larger
then 32kb, so it doesn't fit into the buffer of pkgTagFile (whose
size is determinated by the default Size argument to the classes
c'tor in apt-pkg/tagfile.h). Removing the hurd-i386 lines seems to
get the Release file size back under 32kb, which lets the problem

The second call to Fill() that is supposed to fix this case is
useless, since Start/End in pkgTagFile are not altered by the call
to Tag.Scan, so the buffer is not altered.

Even if we somehow set Start/End to the right values and get new
data into the buffer, calling Tag.Scan on that changed buffer would
be wrong, since pkgTagSection::Scan is not intended to be called
more then once with changed buffers (data gained in the first run
will be discarded).

So if we want the Scan() call to be good for something, we have to
feed it with a buffer containing the whole file, including the final

For now we can just change the Size default argument for
pkgTagFile::pkgTagFile to 64kb. However we'll have the same problem
if a Release file ever grows larger than that.

What we really want IMHO is a restructured pkgTagSection::Scan that
supports some callback to get more data or that can at least be
called multiple times accumulating data.

Perhaps I can find some time this weekend to come up with a nice
solution. If we really want to go that way, we'll have another ABI
change though.


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