
Sebastian Dröge, 21.11.2007 19:23:
> Am Mittwoch, den 21.11.2007, 16:46 +0100 schrieb Mathias Brodala:
>> After upgrading to the latest version playing any file results in cracks 
>> during
>> playback. Downgrading all gstreamer0.10 related packages to the Testing 
>> version
>> fixes this problem for now. I’m using a soundcard with the CMI8783 chipset.
> can you do
> GST_DEBUG=5 GST_DEBUG_NO_COLOR=1 gst-launch-0.10 playbin
> uri=file:///path/to/file &> log
> and attach the log (bzipped) to this bugreport?

I did that including the output for the Testing packages for comparison
purposes. I canceled the playback a few seconds after the cracks appeared to
keep the logfile "small". (And approx. the same time for the Testing packages.)

Since my mail was rejected because of its size, you can find both logfiles here:



Regards, Mathias


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