On Fri, Apr 29, 2005 at 10:10:09AM +0300, Kalle Kivimaa wrote:
> Barry Hawkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The JDKs are packaged by make-jpkg are non-free, and as such, we do not
> > tamper with the javac, java, etc. commands of any vendor's JRE/JDK.
> > People expect that sort of thing to be left the way the vendor made it,
> > and currently (for better or worse) a java command from any of them does
> > not attempt to set JAVA_HOME or other environmental variables itself.
> Basically what I'm wondering is what should our Java packaging policy
> be related to packages requiring java2-compiler to build. Should they
> check for the existence of a non-free compiler which requires the
> JAVA_HOME or can they just assume the behaviour of say jikes? I think
> this should be consistent and documented in the policy so that both
> the maintainers and users are on the same page.
> Currently the situation is that I could blindly go and close the same
> bug against JSPWiki by simply saying that java2-compiler should not
> require any extra environment to work and if some non-free
> implementation does require that, it is not a problem of a free Debian
> package. I'm not entirely comfortable with that and that's why I would
> like it be consistently either JAVA_HOME supported or not.

The Debian Policy § 9.9 clearly says:

"A program must not depend on environment variables to get reasonable defaults."

Setting an environment variable in debian/rules for build is okay but no 
should depend on them during runtime. If it does we need to provide a wrapper.

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