On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 09:09:40AM +0100, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> On 11217 March 1977, Peter Pentchev wrote:
> > * Package name    : timelimit
> >   Version         : 1.0
> >   Upstream Author : Peter Pentchev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > * URL             : http://devel.ringlet.net/sysutils/timelimit/
> > * License         : Two-clause BSD
> >   Programming Lang: C
> >   Description     : Simple utility to limit a process's absolute execution 
> > time
> Whats the added plus compared to package timeout?

Well, from a quick look at timeout, it seems that there are two basic
differences between it and timelimit:
- timelimit sends a warning signal first, and a kill signal later, so
  processes have a chance to shut down gracefully, and uncooperative
  processes are killed anyway;
- timeout has process group handling which takes care of child processes
  spawned by the executed command.

The latter may be a useful addition to timelimit, albeit in a slightly
different form due to the warning signal policy - we don't want the
timelimit process itself to die because of the warning signal it sent to
itself, too :)

The former, though - the warning signal policy itself - I personally
regard as highly useful, especially when dealing with untrusted user
processes in a shared hosting environment.  Actually, the reason I
resurrected timelimit this year (I originally wrote it in 2001, used it
for a while, and then just let it lie) was to deal with a bothersome web
hosting customer's badly-written CGI apps, which repeatedly brought a
four-CPU system to its knees.  A wallclock time limitation was the cure,
and sending a warning signal before that insured a graceful termination
of the app, closing files, leaving databases in a consistent state, etc.

Of course, if there is a strong consensus that this is not enough to
merit a separate utility, I will withdraw the ITP - although the package
is already made and in production use in our environment.


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