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On Thu, Nov 29, 2007 at 10:26:33PM +0100, Gregor Maier wrote:

> Please note, that my patch will only change/fix the behavior if gzeof(),
> not of gzread(). My patch will set the EOF indicator in zlib, when the
> underlying file had an EOF (by checking feof()). gzread() will still
> return the short count (and not 0).

It will affect all future calls to gzread() - once z_eof has been set
gzio will not attempt to read any more data from the file, even if some
is present.

> IMHO gzeof() behavior for uncompressed files is clearly broken, since it
> differs from
> * feof()'s behavior when using fread()   and from
> * gzeof()'s behavior when reading from compressed files.

As I indicated previously I don't see that this makes any practical
difference - a robust application needs to cope with either behaviour

My inclination here is to suggest that you pursue this upsteam directly
rather than me forwarding this on.

"You grabbed my hand and we fell into it, like a daydream - or a fever."

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