Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
> tag 452727 + wontfix
> * Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-11-24 20:16:38 CET]:
>> If you try to change the language in wesnoth and don't have the locale, it 
>> will
>> do nothing, printing this warning in the terminal:
>> WARNING: setlocale() failed for es_ES.
>> Building with --enable-dummy-locales and installing them fixes this.
>  Yes - but using that hack only enables it for wesnoth; which is a bad
> thing IMHO. If someone really wants to use a language one shouldn't be
> lured into "well, then I only have it in this or that application" but
> rather should properly enable it in the system.

That doesn't look ideal to me, but installing wesnoth locales isn't ideal 
either :-)

>  I've talked with upstream about this a while ago and we thought about
> another approach: The languages that aren't enabled in the system will
> get greyed out and not selectable. This though needs a bit until it gets
> implemented.

I look forward to see that!

>> I did this in Ubuntu [1] [2] and it worked fine, there have been no reports
>> about anything broken or something.
>  It works fine - for wesnoth only. I am not really convinced that
> enabling this hack in the wesnoth package is the right approach, I am
> pretty much for telling the users to enable the locales they want to use
> systemwide, not narrow themself down to a single application.
>> If this is harmless it would be nice to enable it, since there are users 
>> which
>> will want to play wesnoth in a different language than the one they installed
>> the system (this happened to me when trying to play in Spanish, since my 
>> system
>> is in English).
>  There is no problem at all with enabling spanish locales next to
> english ones, too.
>  Thanks for your report anyway, it's appreciated. It's just - in this
> point we propably disagree. But don't let this hold you back with
> further reports along these lines.

Don't worry, I'll annoy you with my reports as much as I can ;-)
Seriously, no probs. And you have even convinced me, although I still don't
think a user should install a locale, but I understand that installing them in
wesnoth is not the way to go, since if everyone did this we would have all the
locales installed in every package :-)

Take care,

>  So long,
> Rhonda

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