Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
> * Emilio Pozuelo Monfort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-11-30 00:13:41 CET]:
>> Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
>>>> This is CVE-2007-5742.
>>>  ... which I am pretty well aware of because it was me who requested a
>>> CVE ID for the issue. ;)
>> lol, didn't know that :-)
>  Did it for the last update too - I tracked it right from the start when
> they found out about it. I'm in pretty close connection with wesnoth
> upstream developers, did pull the tarball before it was announced and
> stuff.
>>>  The upload of 1.2.8 to unstable is sitting in the NEW queue to your
>>> requested addition of the wesnoth-all package,
>  ... but you can fetch it from <> in
> the meantime if you want to work on your updates so you don't lagg too
> much behind once it gets accepted.

Thanks, that's appreciated.

>  About the wesnoth-all, I was wondering if dropping the -editor from
> there would be also a good idea, that is to make -all depend on music +
> campaigns only.

Sounds fine. I don't think most of the users want to create new maps

>> Oh, I forgot the epoch... sorry for that!
>  No worries. :)
>> Thanks a lot for your work,
>  Thanks for sticking with me, even though I am a bit hard to work with
> at times, especially when I have my mind set onto something. Though,
> that still doesn't mean that I wouldn't listen to reasoning. :)
>  So long,
> Rhonda


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