Il giorno sab, 30/04/2005 alle 15.49 +0100, Richard Lamont ha scritto:
> Why does squid need to be down while other packages, which squid does 
> not depend on, are being upgraded? How come only squid has this 
> problem?

This is not a squid-only problem. You can find informations on how an
upgrade is processed at

1 - A pre-inst script is executed (here squid is stopped)
2 - Old files are overwritten by files in new package (unpacking)
3 - A configuration script (post-inst) is executed (here squid is

During a dist-upgrade all packages are unpacked and then all packages
are configured. So squid, as many other daemons, is stopped until all
other packages are unpacked.

Other daemons that behave this way (this list is from one of my system,
so is not complete in any way):

- apache
- klogd
- postgresql
- sysklogd
- atd
- famd
- postfix


 Luigi Gangitano -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -- <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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