On 12/12/2007, Suman wrote:
> Hi,


> It's been a really long time and I don't really remember the exact
> context in which I filed the bug report.

sure, I can understand that.

> Perhaps I was suggesting that some files be moved out of the main
> package. IIRC, this will reduce the size of the package, which is
> important if you are on a dial-up connection.

Well, looking at the content of the package, on a random $ARCH:
$ du -sh usr/*
14M     usr/bin
5,1M    usr/lib
204K    usr/share

I'm not sure whether it's worth to move the scripts to a separate
package, which we would recommend or even depend on, given some scripts
are supposed to be installed when blender is, and given that it'd only
cut off less than 25% of the size of the package (there are the locales,
too, the current package isn't following the FHS very closely, but
that's already fixed in git).

I'm tempted to either close this bugreport if you agree it's fine to
keep the python scripts inside the main package, or to mark it as
wontfix if you think I should do that anyway. (I really think it's not
worth it, but you may disagree, and my comaintainers as well.)

> PS: It's more than an year since I filed this bug.

I know about that, and I'm sorry to come back to you so lateā€¦


Cyril Brulebois

PS: I hope you don't mind my putting the bugreport back in the loop, so
    that no messages get lost.

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