On 22/12/2007, Stefano Costa wrote:
> Well, basically the fact is that I need  to write a small PyGTK app,
> quite similar in design to the one described in this thread
> https://mailman.research.att.com/pipermail/graphviz-devel/2007/000279.html
> in the graphviz-devel list, with a graph embedded in a widget.

Ah, thanks for the pointer, I wasn't subscribed at that time.

> Because the suggested approach there was to use the 'gtk' renderer, I
> wanted to experiment this before (re)writing code that does what I
> need.

So you'd be able to send me some feedback if I come to an experimental
new binary package once I'm done with 2.16?

> However, I'll look better into the documentation, probably my needs
> can be fulfilled by the cairo binding.

OK, feel free to post your findings here.


Cyril Brulebois

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